Directed by Amanda Prellwitz
Be sure to get your tickets or make your reservations to see this show when tickets go on sale January 25th!
Performance Dates:
February 9-14
Holmes and Watson are on the case - just not the Holmes and Watson we may be accustomed to. The game is afoot in this mystery as Miss Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Dorothy Watson seek to unravel the truth behind a series of mysterious deaths and a corrupt police investigator. Set in traditional Victorian era London, this story, written by Christopher M. Walsh, stays true to the world created by Sir Arthur Conon Doyle, but answers the question - What if Holmes and Watson were women rather than men?
This show runs February 9th - 14th. Tuesday-Friday shows’ doors open at 7pm, shows begin at 7:30pm. On Saturday and Sunday doors open at 1:30, shows begin at 2pm.