The Contest is open to any playwright in Nebraska. Entrants may submit up to three scripts ($10.00 fee for each entry.) Details available here.
This item will only be available until Aug 15. Thank you!
Electronic submissions:
1. Email your manuscript as an attachment.
2. Author identification and bio should be a separate attachment.
3. Pay $10.00 entry fee above (available after May 15th).
4. Email to:
Yorkshire Playhouse Playwriting Contest
Yorkshire Playhouse Playwriting Contest is back! We look forward to seeing what the talented writers of Nebraska send us during our 2025 Contest! Up to two plays may be selected for presentation in the Spring of 2026.
Yorkshire Playwriting Contest Rules:
The contest is open to any playwright who resides in Nebraska.
1. Plays must be between 20-45 minutes in length.
2. Plays must be the original work of the author, and must not have been previously produced or published.
3. Plays must follow the Dramatist Guild script format:
4. Plays must be family friendly, no strong language please.
5. Plays must have small casts (2-6), and simple sets
6. Submission deadline: August 15, 2025.
7. Submissions may be paper or electronic.
8. A $10.00 entry fee for each play submitted will be collected.
9. Submissions should include a short author bio.
10. Entrants may submit up to three scripts. ($10.00 fee per script)
Submit Paper copies to:
Yorkshire Playhouse, Playwriting Contest
PO Box 413, York, Nebraska 68467
Enclose a check for $10.00 per script entered, made payable to Yorkshire Playhouse, or submit payment electronically through the website.
If you would like your manuscript returned after judging, please include a self-addressed envelope of sufficient size with appropriate postage. We will NOT return manuscripts if this is not included.
Submission Dates:
May 15 – August 15. Plays will not be accepted after August 15, 2025, 11:59PM CST.
We will notify the winners by email. Winners’ names and script titles will be posted by November 15, 2025 on our website:
The Award:
Winning scripts will receive $50.00 award for first place and $25.00 award for second place, and may be produced as a part of a Yorkshire Playhouse out-of-season event the following year.