Written by Danielle Berry-Massey & Chrystal Houston
Directed by Danielle Berry-Massey
Assistant Directed by Chrystal Houston
Performances are
March 24- 25
Rehearsals begin
Feb 28
Auditions Dates: Feb 21, 22 & 24
Roles Available:
Schismogenesis - 1 Male, 1 Female, 1 Either
Cafepocalypse - 6 Either Male or Female
Age 15 & UP
Being stuck on a Cruise Ship for two weeks doesn’t seem so bad. Unless, of course, the date is the spring of 2020. Watch the story of a couple on the brink…of marriage and divorce, of sickness and healing, of beginning and ending. Be a part of this deeply moving YPPC winning show.
It’s just another ordinary day at the local coffee shop…during the Zombie apocolypse. If you’ve ever felt like you’d literally kill for your next cup of coffee, you’ll really relate to the day these coffee shop patrons and barristas are having in “Cafepocalypse”. The stuggle is real.
Want to be a part of history? These two original One Acts were written by local writer’s! Be a part of the first ever cast! Actors are encouraged to audition for both shows.
Auditions will be held February 21, 22 & 24 from 6:30 - 8:00.